Ever wanted to own a digit of Pi? This is your big chance. No kidding.
Kind of like owning a star, right? Artists Chris Klapper and Patrick Gallagher are embarking on an infinitely ambitious project. They are hand-casting sculptures of each digit in Pi’s sequence, and shipping them all over the world, one by one. But there’s more. In the words of the artists:
“As the work ships around the world, we will track the expansion of the project’s database with a web-based visualized map, pinpointing three elements of each sculpture: the geo-locations, the individual numbers and their specific position along the sequence of this transfinite number. This data will be available in real-time and visualized on an interactive world map, connecting each sculpture and its collector into a unique global community.”Anyone worth their Pi Day street-cred will need to have a digit on their shelf. And this project, as you can imagine, can and will span decades. Centuries. In fact, with 22 trillion known digits and 7 billion people on the planet, well, Chris and Patrick can keep busy making and sending out digits for quite some time.